Police have
rushed in to investigate, and Commissioner Chihuri has addressed a press conference: “Black
people of Harare,” he said, reading from a prepared speech. “This is a difficult week
for all of y’all, but calm the fuck down. Be strong. Hold on. Hifa will only
last a week.”
Witnesses reported
white people even on First Street, can you fucking believe it? Asked to give details,
one witness said: “There are whites even on First Street. Can you fucking believe it?”
A crowd
gathered around a witness who was telling them he had, in fact, actually talked
to a white person in the CBD. Giving details, he very proudly said: “Futi futi in fact, me I actually
talked to a white person in the CBD.” And people said “heyii, hesss mhaaan”.
Several black people spotted at Hifa |