Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remind me again. Why is weed illegal?

This guy, smoking weed here in his youth, was to later become leader of the most
powerful country in the world. So who are you to deny me a few whiffs?

Well, if the evangelisticalest of world evangelists says he has no problem with weed, then who am I, a sinner saved by grace, to stand here and not pump my fist in the air and write to the Copac people to include weed rights in the new constitution?
Pat Robertson. Remember him? The guy whose smug little face would peek into your living room every old Sunday back in the day on TV asking us to touch the screen and be saved from our pagan ways? 700 Club guy.

Now, generally, this right-wing idiot is a gaping mine of a asshole. Supported apartheid, talks out of right-wing ass, and, well, is an all round moron.

But this, in the NY Times: “I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”

Wish our own pastors would wake up and smell the high-grade. We know they all smoke weed. Especially that Kunonga bastard. Makandiwa is cool so he’s definitely on something.  (Pastor Mbhoro is on crack. Big difference) 
And can we please stop pretending weed is only smoked by Rastas and jobless ghetto youths? I know for a fact it's smoked in Cabinet. I checked.
Time we had a real debate about weed.

Nobody - NOBODY – has ever put forward a convincing argument as to why weed is illegal. It’s just illegal. Why? Just because it is. Why? Because it was always illegal. So, no reason. Ridiculous because beer, which is more harmful – and causes pot bellies, like that of the guy at your office who’s always doing PowerPoint presentations with his shirt button over the navel open because the fucking belly is too big  to fit in his shirt – is legal.
Beer’s OK, they say. Unless I drink and drive, they say. Or take too much and become a menace, they say. Fair.

So why In the name of the Great Weed God of Mount Mulanje can’t I smoke my weed in peace?

If I’m stoned  in my own home, laughing at the paint on my  wall, what the fuck is your   problem?
So what if I swear Mugabe clambered through my window and took a puff and we watched Kung Fu flicks through the night, mimicking all those Shaolin master sounds ? My  problem.

Why should a small joint of weed, in my  own home, bring the bloody Police to my door?

Everyday, I read about some guy arrested only for having 'a few twists' with him. Cops even go on and state the 'street value'. So they have a weed price monitoring unit?
Why is weed illegal? Remind me again.


  1. I bet you were were smoking while you writing this jheheheh

  2. *singing* because I was high...

  3. I heard the illegalisation of weed came about after cotton farmers had beef wit hemp farmers because the hemp industry looked like it was going to prosper far better than cotton!!!

  4. Weed threatened to replace wood as the major source of paper, it's cheaper to grow, MUCH faster to grow, makes BETTER paper, and DOESN'T destroy the earth. These are none of the things they thought about when they illegalized weed, they did think about the money the wood companies were pouring into their pockets though. And thus is the beginning of the second most hated thing through history other than the poor Jews :( Soon after it was illegalized hate campaigns started emerging about smoking marijuana, and later to be found false evidence was discovered "proving" that marijuana would kill brain cells. Again they didn't tell you that they pumped THC into poor monkeys constantly over 5 minute periods starving their brains of oxygen and killing them. So weed must be bad right? If evil scientists will kill monkeys to prove its bad it must be bad right? Nope, again, lots of nice money into peoples pockets. I think I see a trend, this is why I refuse to recognize this governments authorities, unjust laws should not be followed, and I will not follow them. If ever a true reason to not smoke weed arises (which it likely won't) I will stop and reconsider smoking, that isn't the case though, it is harmless to do at home by yourself which is how I do it.
