Monday, January 27, 2014

Zanu sues MDC for stealing its excuses

Zanu-PF is suing the MDC for copyright infringement after Tsvangirai’s supporters claimed white racists and shadowy Western governments were behind a plot to oust Tsvangirai.
A few MDC elements, obviously the misguided type, say the credibility of their party is falling faster than Morgan’s trousers, and they want him out. But Tsvangirai’s loyal supporters say all this is driven driven by mafikizolos and their foreign handlers. Another MDC chef blamed "ex-Rhodesian land barons" for all this talk.

The Director of Tsvangirai’s Bootlicking Council said: “All these mafikizolos are being driven by their foreign handlers. Our leader Save shall rule the MDC until trees grow breasts.” At which point such trees would obviously be cut down because they would cause some distraction to the leadership. Obviously.
All this talk by the MDC of Rhodesians and Western interference has made Zanu angry. The party said only its leader can use imaginary plots by shadowy Western forces as an excuse to cling to power. Without racist foreign powers, Zanu will be left with no imaginary enemies to fight with.

“That’s the problem with parties that have no policies of their own,” said MuDidymus, a top Mugabe ass-licker, who hates all other ass-lickers because he believes nobody can lick ass the way he can lick ass. “Always imitating. First, they steal our bootlicking. Then they stole our intolerance. Now they’re even stealing our lame excuses. We must stop them. Already, people can no longer tell the difference.”