Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Soldiers and pees in the garden

So the woman, who was once married to an army general but now is clearly not, and who once threatened to cut off an opposition leader's manhood, and who once scared all those poor white people by revealing a 20-year thirst for ‘white blood', has had her swimming pool peed in? Yes. By soldiers.

"Right now, as we speak, I have soldiers in my garden, peeing in my swimming pool. He (former Hubby General) put them there and I have to make a court application to get them out," she told The Standard.

It's a world where various torture and punishment methods are available to the vengeful; electric shocks to the dangly bits. Waterboarding. Mariah Carey. etc.

But, no, we must pause. And we must take in the image of a soldier, AK47 in one arm, weapon in the other, leaning back, peeing into a Borrowdale Brook pool. Pause. Take it in.

Then we must all marvel at the callous cold geniusnessity of it all.

Heard about the country where soldiers piss in the pools of their generals' lunatic ex-wives? Yes. That's where I live. Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.

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